Support / Troubleshooting

If you are experiencing a problem with your Magnatrol solenoid valve please review the pages in this file to assist us in solving the problem.

We have found that using these pages greatly expedites the resolution of problems for three reasons:

  1. The "Solenoid Valve Troubleshooting Guide" and "Possible Causes of Solenoid Burnout" cover almost all problems we encounter in valve installations. Frequently the end user can go to the valve site and identify the problem using these documents more readily than running back and forth between the phone and the valve location.
  2. The "Report of Solenoid Valve Problem" form is very important because we frequently find that the person on the phone does not have access to all the needed information. In the past, having incomplete information has extended the time required to resolve problems. This document also begins the paper trail and documentation in our office as we work towards resolving your problem. This form is available in two versions, a downloadable PDF File for printing/faxing to our offices, or a web form.
  3. The "Solenoid Valve Repair Guide" is designed to help service Magnatrol Solenoid Valves in the field with Coil and Piston Assembly replacement / inspection.

We look forward to helping you solve your problem and have taken this approach to do it in the most efficient manner for both Magnatrol and our customers.

Valve Construction Features / Easy In-Line Service showing a typical valve component breakdown can be viewed on "3020-CONSTRUCTION" of catalog 3020. Specific Valve drawings and General Installation Instructions can be requested from the factory. Please supply complete Valve Type Number and Serial Number found on the valve nameplate.

If you need to return a valve to the factory for evaluation / service / repair / credit, print and fill in the "Return Authorization Form" and return it with the valve. A tracking number will be issued AFTER it is received at the factory.

Printable Pages / Forms:

Solenoid Valve Troubleshooting Guide
Possible Causes of Solenoid Coil Burnout
Report of Solenoid Valve Problem (PDF/Fax Form)
Report of Solenoid Valve Problem (Web Form)
Solenoid Valve Repair Guide
Bulletin 3020-CONSTRUCTION: Construction Features / Easy In-Line Service
Return Authorization Form

Our Technical Support staff can be reached at:

Phone: 973-427-4341
Fax: 973-427-7611